A Carlsbad Speakeasy That Opened and Closed on One Night, Pours Again
But you’ll need a password to get in.
CategoryFarm + Table
One of Carlsbad’s coolest new bars opened in July and promptly closed the same night. You can’t blame prohibition for this speakeasy’s quick demise, but an issue of legality did come into play. Fortunately, the establishment reopened to the public in late August.
According to a story published in The San Diego Union-Tribune, “The problem at the time was confusion over whether the bar’s alcohol permit had been officially finalized. After a month-long review and approval by state Alcohol and Beverage Control officials, and the time it took to get the bar restocked and staffed again, The Charles Kenneth has finally reopened.”
“Executive Chef Rob Ruiz—who owns both the basement speakeasy and its 4-year-old sister restaurant upstairs, The Land & Water Company—said he’s so overjoyed to be open again that he’s no longer interested in faux secrecy.”
“I’m ecstatic and I want to shout from the rooftops that we’re open and we’re ready to start cranking down there again,” Ruiz said to The San Diego Union-Tribune.
To get in to the speakeasy, patrons must obtain a password via the website, thecharleskenneth.com. The entrance to the bar is on the southeast side of the building, around the corner from the restaurant. No reservations are taken and it’s first come, first serve.
For more on the bar and its namesake, visit here.
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